Increasing of return of investment rate on Email Accounts.
Increasing of return of investment rate on Email Accounts.
Tendency score calculated for each customer. Specific e-mails sent using this score.
E-mail opening, clicking and true send rate increased by %45.
Decreasing non-performing loan rate. Increasing loan volume.
Bank loan capacity and non-performing loan predicted for each customer by Organon.
Non-performing loan decreased by %38. Loan Volume increased by %58.
Offering right product to the right costumer.
Likelihood to buy score calculated for each customer and each product.
Response Rate increased 7 fold. Go to Market speed increased 100 fold.
Decrease rate of customers who churn for TelCo.
Churn score calculated for each customer.
Churn rate decreased by %34.
Increasing number of new and time deposit accounts with minimum cost.
Price Sensitivity scores calculated for each customer. These scores determined interest rate quota.
Time deposit account increased by %23. New deposit account increased by %16 Cost of new and time deposit account decreased by %27.
Determining contact reason of customer.
Previous calls are collected and researched. Incoming calls clustered according to collected logs. Models developed for each cluster.
%90 of call reasons for users were clustered. Possible call reasons identified before calling by Organon.
Prediction for breakdown of machines.
Organon predicted possible breakdown a hour before and informed workers.
Downtime decrease by %53. Maintenance cost decrease by %35.
Automated Data Quality Control System for growing database on TelCo.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning based, automated and self learning system implemented by Organon.
Data Quality Control decrease from 750 man-hour to seconds. Controlled Data amount increase from 1TB to 8TB. Anomaly Data Detection decrease from 7 days to 2.5 minutes.
Reduction of the unused ATM rate due to the loss of funds. Preventing found loss by minimizing withdrawal and idle amount in ATMs.
Organon predicted credit for each ATM a day before. Predictions automatically updated for each day. Money regulation is re-done with predictions.
“Early Cash Depletion” of ATM decrease by %26. Idle Cash rate on ATM decrease by %46.
Radiologists needed to detect anomalies from X-ray.
Automated anomaly detection from images using Deep Learning Algorithm.
Accuracy of anomaly detection %88.